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The I'm Pregnant! Now What? workshop is being revamped! Stay tuned for upcoming FREE opportunities to meet local birth professionals

I'm Pregnant!
Now What?

A workshop for those soon-to-be or newly pregnant 

Are you early in your pregnancy & feeling full of questions?

There is so much advice out there. Not exactly sure where to start?

Would you like to start charting a course through your pregnancy NOW,

so that when baby comes, you have the support and confidence you need?

Do you have questions like:

  • How can I begin preparing for birth even if I just found out I'm pregnant?

  • What are the different types of childbirth classes people take?

  • What kind of help is available for common pregnancy issues & discomforts?

  • How can I best prepare for life after baby arrives?

  • How can my partner & I get on the same page about this birth?

Navigating the healthcare system can be overwhelming and scary –
especially as it relates to childbirth.

Everyone wants to know how to move through it successfully,
yet for many parents-to-be,
a basic understanding of options and resources
comes far too late in their pregnancy,
leaving them feeling like choices and support are limited.

The I’m Pregnant! Now What? workshop will help you dive into learning now

to find answers that work for YOU


includes a unique chance to meet a panel of birth professionals in person

doulas, lactation consultants, mental health professionals, pelvic floor physical therapists, chiropractors, massage therapists and more


New Family Collective
1329 E Thousand Oaks Blvd
Suite 215
Thousand Oaks, CA 91362

Upcoming Workshops

(Limit 6 couples)

Stay tuned for upcoming dates for a FREE opportunity to meet local birth professionals

For more information about a full

childbirth preparation class click here:

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©2019 by Informed Birth Prep. 

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